Robotic Hand

This project consisted of using the Arduino to sense my finger movements and translate them onto a Robotic Hand. We found this build to be very fulfilling because it challenged my team in using our mechanical, electrical, CAD, and programming skills to achieve the final result.


The Arduino prototyping platform is the heart and the brain of this project. We used it to sense the analog signals coming from the flex sensors on the glove and translate them into servo movements. 

The Glove

We took an ordinary work glove and connected flex sensors to each of the five fingers. Once calibrated, the flex sensors sent a restive value, which was translated by the Ardino to an exact finger position.

Robotic Hand

The mechanical hand uses the signal from the Arduino to activate the servos for each finger. The higher the signal from each flex sensor, the more force is generated by each servo. 

The Code

Python code was used to program the Arduino. Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Each of the fingers had to be programmed and calibrated independently.


For the next stage of the project, we used Autocad to design a new version of the hand, which will be 3D printed soon.  Having our own design and 3D printing capabilities gives us more options to add sensors, such as touch, as well as add wrist rotation in the future.